Chief Minister Jayalalithaa declared open the new building complex to house the Thanjavur Collector's Office as also the offices of various departments through video conferencing from Chennai on Tuesday. In Thanjavur, apart from Collector N. Subbaiyan, MP K. Parasuraman, Mayor Savitri Gopal and people’s representatives distributed sweets to the public to mark the occasion.
The new building has been constructed at a cost of Rs. 30.50 crore in the specifically earmarked 61.42 acre land at Pillaiyarpatti. While the ground floor is spread over 68,561 square feet, the first floor spans 49,674 sq. ft., the second covers 43,249 sq. ft. and the third floor is spread over 41,201 sq. ft. for a total plinth area of 2.02 lakh sq. ft. The building has space to house 22 government departments, two massive public conference halls and an official meeting hall.
Apart from the main entrance to the Collectorate, there are four entrances to access the departments easily from various sides. The complex is equipped with two lifts as well. The old Collectorate, which served as the hallmark of Thanjavur, was the seat of the Collector since 1896, from where an array of distinguished civil servants, who went on to head the State bureaucracy, conducted their official work.
Now Dr. Subbaiyan has secured the distinction of the first Collector to discharge his duties from the New Collectorate that awaited the return of Ms. Jayalalithaa as Chief Minister for the inaugural.
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